Saturday, October 6, 2007

A big challange ahead........

Now, after the MGPA's are over, the big challenge ahead is the first MGPT (Machine Graded Programming Test). It's surely tougher than the MGPA's and as far as I know it's really going to be a big oracle for all of us...............
There are four MGPT's over the year...... and this is the first among them......
Each MGPT consists of two questions - one from OOPJ and the other from DSAL...... one can solve either or both of the questions......... In all, there are eight questions out of four MGPT's, of which one needs to clear at least two..... Till the last batch it was necessary to clear just two questions..... both could be from the OOPJ or both could be from DSAL..... but I've heard that this time it might be like at least one from OOPJ and one from DSAL must be cleared...
The topics that are expected in the MGPT are general OOPJ problem solving; and DSAL structures like AVL trees, B-Trees, Graph and algorithms related to Graphs......

I am done with topics upto the BST, but after that I'm still on the way to implement the rest of the topics like B-Trees, Graph and the rest of the algorithms...... I did generate the code for the AVL tree last night; and the search function for the B-Tree today morning....

I hope I should be over with the B-Tree by tonight; and I should complete Graphs by tomorrow night.....
However, I'm finding it very difficult to generate the code for these because seldom of the books, be it those I brought from home or be it those in the library of NCST, describe the topics in an appreciable way or provide a proper coding approach to the problem......
I even asked Sachin Sir to name any such book.... He suggested one book from the library but.... yet he said that no book can appreciably get one that much satisfaction..... The only thing one could do is to try understanding the code by oneself and try developing the code by himself.... So let me try coding and see what all happens....

One thing sure......, the course is now really gearing up in a rapid manner....., but the only hard thing about it is that you need to help yourself........ nobody is going to help you a single bit at all...... It's all about do it yourselves.......

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