Thursday, September 20, 2007

A little hurry... got it all down......

Yes, it was all in a hurry..... and what a bad luck.... I could better not do what i did....
Last week, I was short ofone blog... and what more happened was that the gnyan server went out for the whole days right on saturday and sunday.... the days on which I used to devote time for writing blogs......
However, on Sunday night, it became available for sometime..... and it was the time I and every other student in CDAC could do his or her blog-writing..... But I was so sort of words, in fact, I was not able to think ofany topic I could blog upon.....
Finally, I decided to try google search on some random words.... because the time was running out..... and I had to have completed my blog....
I tried some words arbitrarily.... to see if I could find some good stuff on it. Finally, I found some really good and informative stuff by searching for the word 'confidence'.
I was really fascinated by whatever was written about it. Ithought this could serve the purpose well.... and what I did was that I copied the content and pasted it in my blog.
But, now I can see that copying is no way going to yield anything other than harm as far as TCOM assignments are concerned..... even if there are reasons for it.

Yet, I can see the ground beneath this harshness and which is very much justified... if I stand on the other side of the table.....

I should really appreciate the way Sawani Ma'm handles things and the way she answers questions put to her is so nicely placed that it really wins her listeners..

At times, I feel that that if I were in her place, might be that I couldn't tolerate some of the incidents that take place and the way they take place.......

Really, tolerence grows with experience...... and this is very very evident from Sawani Ma'm....

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