Thursday, September 6, 2007

What's happenning ?

I'm really worried about what all is happenning to me these days..... I'm scared...i'm vanishing... and i'm getting all those rubbish odds in myself...
Speaking to people has not been a hurdle for me... and i've even taught people on technical subjects.. then i don't know what's what's grilling me so much that i'm not even daring to stand before them and speak a few lines...
I think it's some difference in environment that drawing me away from what i should achieve.. Here it's a large hall and all the time I'm fearing someone could grill me up....
Still, I must try and get to where I'm required. I think I must restart teaching which I threw off like ashes.... it was that beautiful...
I must really start teaching again.. That would be beneficial not only to me but to the others who are stuck up in the concept of data structures and Java Programming...
and that even in the very same kind of hall where I'm expected to perform...

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